Tips for Utilizing Stair Graphics Effectively

Plan and implement a winning strategy by utilizing Stair Graphics to communicate your brand
and/or messaging!

Create success with every step

Promotion companies, marketing, and advertising agencies along with specialized media companies are always on the lookout for innovative concepts for making advertising campaigns as effective as possible. The objective is to create a targeted and simultaneously extensive advertising presence, by locating the campaign on the attractive and mostly underutilized / unexpected advertising format. Both a design element and a branding opportunity, stair graphics are being used for events, premier parties, and galas.

On the commercial side, brands have been popping up on heavily traveled staircases all over the world displaying massive ads for their products and services.

Schools allow the transformation of ordinary flight of stairs into a striking visual that reinforces behavior expectations, supports school spirit, and promotes student success.

Transform an arena from average to a standout amongst its competitors, by taking away blank space and turning it into art. Possibilities include championship teams photos, alumni images, opening days or other seasonal events. Additional options for stair messaging includes murals, motivational quotes, along with core value messaging.

Stair graphics do not have to be used for athletics and can be functioned to fit all projects a school desires. Graphics can be used on any staircase, including residence halls, dining halls, academic buildings, and dorms.

Add the unique, yet not over the top design, that turns a blank space into a completely different point of interest. The attention drawn from the graphics can take an average, or even outdated part of a venue, and create what feels like a newly renovated area.

A stair graphic treatment is surprisingly affordable and can be completed with no harm done to the structure itself.

While stair graphics are dramatic, the product itself is economic, easy to install, clean and will last for years.

Do not overlook the option of “Stair Graphics” – especially when your audience needs to go that direction every day. It’s a great use of space that definitely gets noticed!

3 Tips to Brand Protection Decor

Over the past couple of years during the pandemic, we have introduced some creative protection products into the market. During this time, we have found a direct relationship between perceived in-store safety and a customer’s trust in products. In other words, the more a customer feels safe in your store, the more likely they will feel safe buying the products you have to offer. These new variables have created a great new opportunity to grow trust with your brand just by utilizing protection decor.

In this article, we will look at several ways in which we can protect customers and employees against infectious diseases while improving the décor of your store.

Antimicrobial Mats

We are really excited about this safety product because it looks as subtle as a clear film (which it is), but is easy to apply like a mat. This “mat” has an antimicrobial silver-ion additive that inhibits the growth of most bacteria, mold and mildew while resisting harsh cleaning chemicals. Essentially, it transforms the surface it is applied to into a germ-killing machine. The printability is also really versatile because you can print a full flood or leave some areas clear. Put it at a school desk with a safety reminder or a cash register with a payment QR Code. Either way, it’s easy to remove and apply, has 24/7 surface protection, all while giving the ability to express your message.

Social Distancing Graphics

Social distancing graphics are nothing new in the past couple years, but what else are you using them for? Are you implementing any other elements that you can use to increase revenue? You can also use different print techniques to get a different shine, shape, or even make them antimicrobial! Not only that, but you can use different substrates to make them more affordable, grippy, stain resistant, or even sustainable! The options are literally endless.

Clear Guards

There are so many words to categorize this type of product because they are so popular, and for a great reason – they are excellent at protecting. However, many people are overlooking a huge opportunity to grow their brand. You can print on them! Whether a QR code or the latest marketing campaign, the customer literally has to look at these when checking out. That level of communication/advertising is priceless, and normally costs a firm millions of dollars. Have you already ordered a lot? No worries, we have created an awesome aftermarket solution. Ask us about it!

We want you to grow revenue, it’s literally our mission! That’s why we wanted to share just a couple quick ways we help our clients better efficiently do just that.