Why choose our precision cutting?
As production experts we have all the tools at our disposal to be relentless ambassadors for your success and resolute to add value to you.
We put our money where our mouth is by not only manufacturing sustainably but we prototype, create, and offer alternate sustainable materials for a cleaner earth.
Efficiencies to Reduce Cost
Every project is fueled by precise, lean production to engineer the best method and machines to meet your deadlines, budget, and exceed expectations.
We Make Your Life Easier
A superior product, better ROI, less stress, and more time for lunch breaks will inevitably make your life easier. We are unstoppable to make that happen.
More Options, Few Limitations
From alternate materials to different methods of print and finishing, we give you the most options to make your project perfect and stop at nothing less.
Common questions
What is die cutting?
Die cutting is essentially just a large cookie cutter for your design. It’s meant to pump out a lot of parts fast and extremely precisely. Like screen printing, the setup is longer but the actual production is very fast.
What are the different type of cuts?
Kiss Cut, Drag Knife, Reciprocating Saw, Router bit, Crease Score, Through Cut, Straight Rule, Prefrated Rule, Creasing Rule, Serrated Rule, Cut Score
How intricate of cuts can you make?
We love to challenge ourselves on this. In fact, there are even some projects where we measure each cut down to the nearest .0015”.
What is digital cutting vs. die cutting?
Similar to digital printing, digital cutting is often more efficient with smaller quantities while die cutting (like screen printing) is more efficient with larger quantities.
What types of cutting equipment do you have?
We have over 25 cutting different machines from Die-Cutting, Rotary Die Cutting, Digital Cutting, Sheeting, Sawing, Routing, and Guillotining. Similar to our printing methods, these are all vertically integrated as well to give you options and gain value.
What is digital cutting?
Digital cutting uses a computer with a camera, sensors, and a blade to cut parts instead of a tangible die (a die is like a giant, more precise cookie cutter). Digital cutting is more efficient for lower quantities or thicker material.